Prioritizing Quality Care
Payment reform is shifting health care away from quantity and towards quality.
Payment reform is shifting health care away from quantity (i.e. fitting in as many patient visits as possible in a day), towards quality (payment for maintaining a healthy patient panel through preventive care and keeping chronic diseases well-controlled). Developing workflows to systematically address quality measures during patient appointments - and proactively track and contact patients with gaps in care - can help your practice meet quality measure goals.
AHI Starter Guides are mini-toolkits that offer concrete, actionable steps to improve adolescent care. Check out these great Starter Guides on quality measures.

Developing or strengthening a partnership between a primary care provider (PCP) and a school-based health center (SBHC) can improve adolescents’ access to health services while decreasing fragmentation and redundancy, leading to better health outcomes.

It can be challenging to keep adolescent and young adult (AYA) patients up to date on vaccines. This Starter Guide includes tips on increasing AYA vaccination rates at your health center.

This Starter Guide covers why it is important to routinely collect feedback from young people to ensure your health center is providing patient-centered care to adolescents and how to do so effectively.

Chlamydia screening is not always offered to asymptomatic youth and may not be offered outside sexual health visits. Review strategies and best-practices for increasing chlamydia screening rates in this Starter Guide.

Parents/caregivers and adolescents may not see the value in well visits, and adolescents typically won’t make these appointments themselves or come in independently for a check-up. Learn more about increasing adolescent and young adult (AYA) well visits.

Work alongside a cohort of health centers during this 18-month process to make your policies, practices, procedures and physical spaces adolescent-centered. The Champion Model includes a comprehensive assessment, customized resources, pre-packaged Spark mini-trainings, patient and staff evaluations, professional development opportunities, and tailored technical assistance to reduce barriers and increase opportunities for success.

The ACE-AP is a guided, comprehensive self-assessment and improvement process that drives health centers to become youth-friendly. Technical assistance is provided during the 18-month process and includes customized implementation plans using Plan, Do, Study, Act (PDSA) improvement cycles.
Is your practice interested in making improvements on meetings standards or benchmarks for adolescent quality measures? We help health centers across the country create customized workflows to best fit their needs and implement best practices in adolescent health care.