Who We Are
AHI's youth council, REACH, is a diverse group of youth ages 15–22 in the Washtenaw and Wayne County areas who serve as an advisory council to the Adolescent Health Initiative.
AHI's youth advisory council, REACH (Representing Equity for Adolescent Change in Healthcare), is a diverse group of youth ages 15–22 in the Washtenaw and Wayne County areas who serve as an advisory council to the Adolescent Health Initiative.
In the spirit of “Nothing about us, without us,” AHI relies on REACH youth to inform its programs, help plan and execute AHI events, and develop new projects that integrate youth voice into adolescent health care. REACH meets once a month during the school year. REACH members receive stipends for their participation and work in REACH.
To amplify youth perspectives regarding underrepresented communities by collaborating with healthcare professionals, educating adolescents and bringing awareness to accessible resources.
AHI Youth Reps is an open, ongoing group of youth ages 15–22 who are interested in AHI’s vision to transform the health care landscape to optimize adolescent and young adult health and well-being.
This group provides youth perspectives to a variety of projects on an as needed basis. This opportunity is great for young people who want their voice to be heard and contribute to positive outcomes in adolescent health, with the added benefit of flexibility to choose what projects to be involved in.
Projects may include:
- Brief surveys
- Recording video vignettes
- Event planning
- Resource development
Compensation may be available on a per-project basis.
Members of REACH work throughout the year on projects ranging from posters, to videos, to tools that health centers can utilize to make their practice more adolescent-centered. These resources can be found throughout our website. See below for a preview of just some of the projects REACH (formerly known as TAC TAC) has completed over the years.

Mental Health Matters poster, 2023
Working with a young designer, REACH created this poster to connect their peers to free and/or low-cost, accessible, confidential, and inclusive mental health resources in Washtenaw and Wayne counties.

2022 Michigan Medicine Youth Summit at the Big House
TAC TAC supported the planning and facilitation of AHI’s booth. At this event, middle schoolers from across the state of Michigan came to learn about various health occupations.

TAC TAC Co-Presenting at the 2021 Connection Session, Racial Equity in Adolescent Health Care: Developing an Anti-Racist Practice
TAC TAC co-hosted a panel on the Impacts of Racism on Adolescent Health at the 2021 Connection Session.

Virtual Care poster, 2021
Youth-driven and informed poster to encourage young people to discuss virtual care options with their provider.

Youth-Adult Co-Facilitation Models, 2020
The AHI Team and TAC TAC members co-created three modules to help youth and adults co-facilitate in meaningful ways.

TAC TAC co-facilitating the planning of the Annual Conference on Adolescent Health
Over the years, TAC TAC has participated in and supported the planning of the Annual Conference on Adolescent Health.

Maximizing Youth Voice in Conference and Community Presentations Twitter Chat, 2018
TAC TAC hosted a Twitter Chat on Maximizing Youth Voice in Conference and Community Presentations.

We’re Here For You poster, 2017
Youth-driven and informed poster serving as a visual cue to welcome teen patients.

Youth-Led Health Center Assessment, 2017
This resource has been recently adapted for behavioral health settings.

Take Charge of Your Health Care poster, 2016
Youth-driven and informed poster to guide youth as they take more ownership over their health care.
If you're interested working with REACH, contact our REACH Co-Facilitators, Mava Cooper (she/her) and Iman Saleem (she/her).
Arya is currently a senior at Huron High School and is excited to participate in TAC TAC this year. She is particularly interested in the science and advocacy sides of health care. She is the Head of Communications for the PPAM Youth Advocacy Team, where she advocates for reproductive justice. She is a Peer Educator for Planned Parenthood and educates her peers and community about sexual health. She is also president of her school’s HOSA (Health Occupations Students of America) Club and a member of ETR’s Youth Engagement Network. TAC TAC has provided Arya with the opportunity to shape the health care other adolescents like her receive and amplify youth voice in these settings and beyond.
Anum is currently a senior at Washtenaw International High School and this is her first year on TAC TAC! She is passionate about healthcare and self-advocacy within it and has utilized opportunities at school and in her community to explore her passions. She leads her school’s Operation Smile club, is an active member of HOSA (Health Occupations Students of America) and hopes to study neuroscience in the future. Outside of school, she is an avid reader and loves to cook and bake! In TAC TAC, she hopes to engage in the steps that can create more comfortable spaces for adolescents in health care.
Fanta is a senior at Washtenaw Technical Middle College, and this is her first year on TAC TAC! She believes that there needs to be more input from those affected at the hands of health care providers. She is very enthusiastic about adolescents’ experiences with mental health professionals. She wants to help them understand their emotional, psychological, and well-being so that they can communicate and get the help they hope for and need. Outside of school, Fanta loves to paint and meditate. She also participates in her school’s National Honor Society. She plans to pursue a career in Adolescent Psychology. She is excited to work with TAC TAC because it allows her to make change happen.
Niko is a rising senior at Oakland Early College, and this is his first year on TAC TAC! He is passionate about helping adolescents understand their mental health better and providing resources for LGBTQ+ youth. They find TAC TAC extremely valuable as it allows for a safe, constructive atmosphere where their voice can be heard and used to help many others. Aside from being the president of his school’s chess club, Niko also participates in his school’s queer pride club, the National Honors Society, and is looking forward to competing in HOSA. In the future, Niko hopes to study biomedical engineering and eventually attend medical school. Outside school, they enjoy playing the piano, baking, driving with the windows down, and reading psychology books.
Melanie is currently a junior at Huron High School, committed to improving the health care community for future generations. Melanie has been involved alongside free clinics in multiple states and has contributed to the Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation. She is excited to be working alongside TAC TAC this year because it’s a diverse environment with the ability to create a positive impact. Besides school, Melanie is a member of UNICEF and MREACH and will start her first year with HOSA! Whenever she is not working, you can find her reading a good book or exploring her hometown.
Saida Abshir is a sophomore at the University of Michigan majoring in Biology, Health, and Society and AfroAmerican and African Studies. They plan to pursue a career in medicine and are currently interested in reproductive and maternal health care.
Saida is passionate about solving racial and ethnic disparities within health and medicine. TAC TAC provides a space for her to voice her passions concerning these structural issues and the resources and methods to combat them. She hopes to help TAC TAC push for effective structural changes, as she believes that all people deserve equal access and treatment within health care.
Lastly, Saida loves to cook, is a henna artist, and is the oldest of six!
Sarah Kabala is a sophomore at the University of Michigan hoping to major in Public Health on a Pre-Medicine track with a minor in writing. She is passionate about empowering youth to speak out on their health and advocating for the widespread education of girls’ and womens’ health. Through TAC TAC, she would like to learn how to effectively communicate with youth on the importance of their input in matters of their health and women’s health.
When she is not working with TAC TAC, Sarah loves taking part in her other extracurricular activities and hobbies such as mentoring incoming freshmen in the Michigan Research and Discovery Scholars, working with the United Nations Children’s Fund, attending Black Undergraduate Medical Association meetings, and exploring her love of fashion with the Noir Runway at the University of Michigan.
Overall, Sarah is very grateful for the opportunity to be a part of TAC TAC and looks forward to learning from and engaging with people who are actively inspiring change in the lives of youth!
Shivangi is currently a junior at Salem High School and is excited to be on TAC TAC this year! She is passionate about improving adolescents’ mental health and creating a better community for adolescents to grow. Shivangi volunteers at the Beaumont Hospital and is a part of the student committee for ADL: No Place For Hate at her school. She hopes to use her experiences from these activities to bring meaningful perspectives regarding adolescent health to TAC TAC. At school, Shivangi is the Human Rights Club president and a National Honors Society member. She also looks forward to competing in HOSA this year and being a varsity member of her school’s debate team. Some of her hobbies include taking bike rides, baking, and traveling!
Sri Tharika is currently a junior at Huron High School and is super excited to be a part of TAC TAC this year! She is highly passionate about improving access to healthcare for underserved communities and voicing against healthcare disparities. She is committed to educating her community and peers about sexual health as a Peer Educator for Planned Parenthood of Michigan. In her free time, she can be found volunteering at various hospitals, presenting on menstrual hygiene, binge-watching Grey’s Anatomy, or hanging out with friends! Sri is grateful to TAC TAC for providing her with the opportunity to utilize her voice to improve the quality of healthcare received by her community.
Yeina is a junior at Pioneer High School and hopes to study biology in college. Yeina wants to be there for little kids and find an organization that lets her be a voice for adolescents, and she aspires to help their needs. She is also a part of the end sexual violence club and a part of the Ann Arbor Youth Council. She plays volleyball, basketball, and is in track. Yeina also loves to read and go shopping.