CHS Immunization Clinics offer free Flu/Covid vaccines for our at-risk communities. Additionally, our Health Screening Clinics offer blood pressure, cholesterol and A1C (Diabetes) screening for our at-risk communities.
Alfreda Rooks, MPA - Director, UM Health, Community Health Services
Trish Rowley, BSN, MS, CHES - Community Clinical Coordinator, Health Educator Specialist
Joyce-Baker Martin, MSN, MS, CNM, RN - Immunization Assistant
Guy Provenza, MS - Administrative Specialist Associate
Angie Johnson, MPA - Associate Director, Community Health Services
Director, Volunteer ServicesTom Rowley - Immunization Community Vaccine Clinics, Registrar & Health Screening Assistant
KMS Place
Suite 710
Ann Arbor MI, 48108
- We identify community partners to provide Flu/Covid Vaccine clinic locations.
- We train students to provide immunization and health screenings among at-risk communities.
- We train medical student associations to provide health screening within their ethnic communities.
- We market our Flu/Covid clinic with our community partners, through social media networks, etc.
- We obtain the CDC recommended vaccines and MM guidelines for adults 18 years and older.
- We ensure the proper Immunization protocols are followed at each clinic.
- We recruit for non-clinical volunteers to support the clinics.
- Participants are registered in MiChart by MM registrars.
- U-M Nursing, Medical, Pharmacy and Public Health students
- Siena Heights University
- Local faith-based organizations
- Senior Centers
- Community Centers
- Disability organizations
- Ann Arbor Meals on Wheels
The CHS Immunization and Health Screening program also provide training to U-M nursing, medical and pharmacy students to provide clinical field experience to deliver efficient and safe vaccinations and health screenings in the community.
Immunization Training
This training consists of an overview of Disparities among at risk groups, Immunization Protocol, Vaccine Handling, Administering Vaccine, and Scenarios addressing Flu & Covid Vaccine Myths and Barriers.
Health Screening Training
This training consists of a didactic and clinical session. The didactic session includes nursing and medical students understanding Health Disparities, and Myths regarding chronic disease among at -risk communities. Students are able to educate participants regarding hypertension, cholesterol, and diabetes complications. The clinical session consists of students learning how to perform accurate blood pressure, Cholesterol and Diabetes screening measurements.
Business Health Screening
Responding to the need to address chronic disease at business worksites, we partner with local businesses in Washtenaw County to provide a for-fee Health Screening service for their employees. The screening consisted of blood pressure, cholesterol, and diabetes. The employees are provided with information about their screening results, encouraged to engage in healthy eating, increase physical activity, maintain medication regime, and instructed to following up with their physician. Through this effort we can work directly with their Wellness Director to discuss future Wellness Programs and Health Education workshops for their employees.