More articles about: CS Mott Children's Hospital
women pushing shopping cart with gifts falling out in yellow and red
Health Lab
Could holiday stress be affecting your child’s holiday joy?
National Poll: 1 in 4 parents admit they set overly idealistic expectations, and mothers are twice as likely to be stressed by preparations.
Doctor smiling by bed near baby with tubes
Health Lab
A reflection on congenital heart disease care, and where it’s headed
A renowned expert in the field for 40 years discusses the surgical advancements the changed the trajectory of hypoplastic left heart syndrome.
morbidity postpartum ethnic racial disparity
Health Lab
Maternal health risks linked to childbirth persist throughout postpartum year
Study suggests racial and ethnic disparities in severe maternal morbidity rates up to a year after delivery, higher risk for those with anxiety and depression.
Father and son laying on floor reading a book together
Health Lab
Reading print books to toddlers is better than e-books
New research shows that traditional print books foster more quality engagement and interaction between parents than digital books.
Chloe and doctor making strong arms, pink jacket and doctor in Michigan jacket with masks.
Health Lab
A 5-year-old Buckeye fan with a maize and blue heart
Michigan Medicine doctors help 5-year-old Chloe Moser and her parents during her fourth major heart surgery at C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital in Ann Arbor.
boy falling in air with pink background of glucometer and syringes
Health Lab
6 management habits to reduce disparities in pediatric type 1 diabetes
In type 1 diabetes, new research identifies critical ways to improve blood sugar management across different demographic groups.
two adult heads on right and left close up looking worried with sweat dripping off left person's head while child sits on top of toy pile busy with electronics instead
Health Lab
5 ways to teach children gratitude
Four in five parents say children today aren’t as thankful as they should be, and more than half worry that they overindulge them.
baby with stethoscope on heart
Health Lab
Comparing outcomes between therapies for babies with hypoplastic left heart syndrome
Researchers look at whether the type of surgical shunt used in newborns with complex heart disease makes a difference by the time they’re adolescents.
stethoscope on heart of orange shirt close up
Health Lab
Understanding how frailty in children with heart conditions may influence outcomes  
A third of children and adolescents who underwent a complex procedure for a severe congenital heart condition were identified as frail.
Child sitting with parent on couch socializing while watching show
Health Lab
Can talking to kids during TV time buffer screen time effects on development?
A new study suggests that talking with children during TV time may help stimulate overall curiosity and aid in early childhood development.
Michigan Answers on a white background
Michigan Answers Podcast
Michigan Answers: Questions About Autism
Jenny Radesky, M.D. joins us to help sort through myths and facts associated with the most searched questions about autism.
Health Lab
20 things to know about COVID-19 vaccines for kids under 12
Kids 5-11 are now eligible for Pfizer’s COVID vaccine. Pediatric experts share answers to parents’ questions as they consider vaccinating their child.
child in yellow shirt sitting looking down on arm with blue mask on and nurse with globes putting band-aid on
Health Lab
5 ways to prepare your child for the COVID vaccine
Now that kids are eligible to get the COVID vaccine, it’s important to prepare them for what comes next, and to help manage fear of needles. Use these five expert tips to get your child ready to get their shot.
pumpkin halloween mask candy child
Health Lab
Is it safe to trick-or-treat this Halloween?
Is it safe to trick-or-treat this year? A pediatrician shares her top three tips for a COVID-safe Halloween in 2021.
children vaccinate parents media covid
Health Lab
11 myths about COVID vaccines and kids
A pediatric infectious disease expert responds to frequently raised concerns about vaccinating kids against COVID.