Nicole Fawcett
Director of Communications, University of Michigan Rogel Cancer

Fawcett leads a team of communicators who produce targeted, innovative communication for the Rogel Cancer Center’s research and clinical enterprises. Prior to Michigan Medicine, Fawcett was a reporter at the Detroit News and editor for a web-based community for people with disabilities.

Nicole Fawcett photo
Doctors looking at sample
Health Lab
Newly Defined Cancer Driver is Fast, Furious and Loud
Researchers characterize three ways in which the gene FOXA1 mutates to trigger prostate cancer.
Doctors looking at screen
Health Lab
New Way to Predict Complications After Larynx Cancer Surgery
When the surgical wound doesn’t heal right, it can send some patients back to the operating room. A new technique tested at U-M could help identify which patients are at highest risk.
Health Lab
What Did My Doctor Say? What to Do When You Don’t Understand
A Rogel Cancer Center doctor offers tips to help patients leave their oncology appointments understanding their treatment.
Health Lab
Researchers Find New Target to Improve Response to Cancer Immunotherapy
A U-M study is the first to define how a little-known type of cell death impacts tumor cells and immune cells.
Vaccine shot
Health Lab
Study: Therapy Completely Clears HPV in One-Third of Cervical Precancers
Clinical trial shows promise of immune treatment against HPV infections that lead to cancer
Doctors looking at screen
Health Lab
A Protein’s Surprising Role Offers Clues to Limit Graft-vs.-Host Disease
While it plays a protective role in other diseases, knocking out NLRP6 in mice led to better outcomes, less-severe symptoms after bone marrow transplant.
Hazard and doctors
Health Lab
Attacking ‘Invisible Threat’ that Affects Cancer Care Workers
Exposure to chemotherapy can create hazards for nurses, pharmacists as they deliver lifesaving care to patients, but use of protective devices remains low.
Medicine at Michigan
Residency or a Family?
How inconsistent parental leave policies affect residents
Brain graphic
Health Lab
Tackling Tumors That Always Come Back: New Brain Cancer Research Could Improve Outcomes
A genetic mutation makes a glioma subtype resistant to radiation, but a new study finds a potential way around it using currently available drugs.
Doctor with patient
Health Lab
Some Primary Care Doctors Not Prepared to Help with Cancer Treatment Decisions
Up to 1/3 of primary care providers discussed breast cancer treatment options with patients but many report gaps in their knowledge.
Health Lab
Circular RNA Holds Promise as Cancer Biomarker
The stable structure of circRNA makes it an ideal candidate for biomarkers. In addition, this type of RNA can be detected in blood or urine, making it potentially useful for cancer diagnosis or prognosis.
Health Lab
New Patient Privacy Rules Could Disrupt Critical Research
In a new paper, researchers and ethicists urge policymakers to view immortal cells differently from other biospecimens as new rules go into effect.
Health Lab
Acupressure Relieves Breast Cancer Treatment Symptoms, Study Finds
Breast cancer survivors reported improvements in depression, pain, anxiety and sleep after self-administered acupressure.
Health Lab
Genetic Testing Doesn't Cause Undue Worry for Breast Cancer Patients
Newer genetic tests introduce more ambiguity, but a new study finds patients are not overreacting to uncertain results.
Health Lab
Woman’s Rare Diagnosis Prompts Sweeping Treatment to Target Cysts
HIPEC, a procedure that combines surgery and heated chemotherapy, gave Melissa Hough peace of mind after hundreds of cysts were removed from her abdomen.
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