More articles about: High-Risk Pregnancy
Health Lab
Mother-son heart bond: Woman relives congenital heart journey through newborn
A mother relives congenital heart journey through newborn.
Health Lab
Protecting heart health during pregnancy
Experts discuss pregnancy and heart health.
woman next to pregnant womens bed
Health Lab
What is placenta accreta? An expert explains
Jourdan Triebwasser, M.D., medical director of the University of Michigan Health Von Voigtlander Women's Hospital Birth Center and a maternal-fetal medicine specialist with a particular interest in this condition, shares more about detecting and treating the condition, and the importance of multidisciplinary collaboration in maternal-fetal outcomes.
pregnant person holding stomach yellow blue
Health Lab
Researchers overcome major barrier in artificial placenta research
Michigan Medicine researchers spearhead an innovative strategy allowing an artificial circuit to safely support premature sheep without anticoagulation, overcoming a major barrier in artificial placenta research.
mother newborn in hospital side by side photos
Health Lab
“The strength and grace” of one mom with severe heart disease
One mother balances between her severe aortic stenosis, her son in the NICU and her six kids
person pregnant with clock spinning over them in yellow purple background person in red pants pink shortsleeve shirt
Health Lab
Labor induction doesn’t always reduce caesarean birth risk or improve outcomes for term pregnancies
A new study suggests that inducing labor at 39 weeks for low-risk pregnancies may not reduce the risk of C-sections or improve outcomes.
map of the united states rate of life threatening childbirth complications by state
Health Lab
Life-threatening birth experiences among Medicaid enrollees vary widely by state and race-ethnicity
Research finds life-threatening birth experiences among Medicaid enrollees vary widely by state and race-ethnicity.
Woman holding baby on farm woman holding baby in city
Health Lab
Pregnant people in rural communities less likely to have adequate health insurance
Rural residents have lower rates of continuous health insurance before, during and after pregnancy compared to those in urban cities
person pregnant holding stomach green shirt sleeveless
Health Lab
Including the patient voice when addressing racial disparities in maternal health
To address persistent racial disparities and inequities in maternal health in Black and low-income communities, centering the patient voice is key.
woman baby smiling sleeping trach
Health Lab
Life’s gift after tragedy
A new mother with quadriplegia reflects on what she thought was an impossible dream of growing her family.
mother baby toddler chair outside
Health Lab
Unique team gives mom and babies a fighting chance
Complicated heart issues put one woman at high risk for pregnancy, but a team of skilled doctors helped her give birth to two healthy children.
Health Lab
Formerly conjoined twins thrive as toddlers
More than a year after a complex separation surgery, Sarabeth and Amelia Irwin are “as individual as can be.”
Red covid cells outline of pregnant woman on yellow background baby room
Health Lab
COVID-19 in Pregnancy: Studying racial disparities and adverse birth outcomes
Black women were twice as likely to get COVID-19 as white women, preeclampsia risk higher for all infected pregnant people in multicenter Michigan study.
Health Lab
2-year-old who spent 694 days at the hospital celebrates first Christmas at home
After a long, difficult journey with complex congenital heart disease, Valentina is making new memories with her family.
Mom sitting on floor holding baby with a frown, paper bills floating around blue background
Health Lab
Study: Financial hardship prevalent during and after pregnancy
Study shows that in the US, the cost of health care is unaffordable for 60% of pregnant and postpartum women, including among privately insured women who report prohibitive out-of-pocket costs.