Giving to Congenital Heart Center
Baby who has had heart surgery

Improve Care and Save Lives: Support Kids with Heart Defects

Imagine your baby being born with a congenital heart defect. One that may require life-saving surgery shortly after birth. 

Roughly 1 in 110 families will face this frightening reality. Their baby’s heart might have leaky valves, a hole, or half the structures needed to live a healthy, happy life.

Just a few decades ago, many congenital heart defects were universally fatal. We have made amazing progress. At the Congenital Heart Center at C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital, we’re helping children with congenital heart defects to not only survive, but thrive. 

Our history of pioneering innovative treatments and comprehensive medicine puts us in a position to shape the future of congenital heart care. Your gift can help:

  • Drive advances that provide safer, more complete care
  • Increase collaboration to enable more breakthroughs
  • Personalize therapies to make therapies as effective as possible for each child
  • Create new opportunities as we train the next generation of leaders in the field

Our Congenital Heart Center is an international referral center for kids with congenital heart disease, and one of the biggest and most experienced pediatric heart programs in the United States. 

You can help ensure that children with heart defects celebrate more birthdays, more holidays, more big games with teammates, more graduations, and more time with friends and family. 

Giving Opportunities
CHC Directors' Research Endowment
Gifts to this fund fuel research and innovation, improving outcomes and quality of care for kids and adults with congenital heart disease worldwide. Efforts shape future breakthroughs, spur novel device and therapy development, and establish best practice
Support cardiac research
Save a Heart
Congenital heart disease is the No. 1 birth defect in the U.S. and requires lifelong care. Help “Save A Heart” by contributing to research, clinical innovation, education and training, and support programs for congenital heart families.
Save A Heart
Philanthropy News Cruz and Brady stand together in blue Save A Heart t-shirts.
Philanthropy News
Cheering on Children With Heart Conditions
Save A Heart campaign to raise funds for congenital heart disease research and treatments.
Little boy dressed as a super hero on an comic book background
Philanthropy News
Shining a Spotlight on Congenital Heart Defects
The Save A Heart campaign fundraising effort helps make advancements in research, treatments, and care for children with heart defects possible and raises awareness of people born with heart conditions.
Partner With Us

We would be pleased to discuss your interests and goals — and the impact your gift can have. We can connect you with faculty and staff, identify where your help is most needed, and share how giving can provide personal satisfaction as well as financial and tax benefits.

Leah Zientek Leah Zientek
Associate Director of Development