For Adults 50+
You must be a minimum of 50 years of age to become an OLLI member, and membership is required for most OLLI events and activities.
Access and Download Your OLLI-UM Member Handbook Here
You must be a minimum of 50 years of age to become an OLLI member.
OLLI Membership is for one calendar year, from September 1 - August 31. Membership is required for most OLLI events and activities. See membership pricing options below.
To join OLLI by filling out a "paper form", download the OLLI Membership Application as a PDF. Then print it, fill it out, and send it to OLLI by U.S. Mail to 2401 Plymouth Road, Suite C, Ann Arbor, MI 48105-2193.
To pay online using a credit card, go to the OLLI Membership page.
Includes unlimited lectures, study groups, Shared Interest Groups (SIGs) and other events throughout the year. Members still need to register for each event. No priorities for participation in study groups, SIGs, or other events (i.e., they must be open and available for new members). OLLI Out of Town in person travel only is not included and you must register and pay separately.
Discount of $5 per lecture, study group, or SIG (and other events). Lecture credit maximum of $50. OLLI Out of Town in person travel only is not included and you must register and there are no discounts.
Lectures, study groups, SIGs, and other events (e.g., OLLI Reads and individual “one-time event”) at “retail” (listed) price without any discounts.
Membership fee is waived to be inclusive to anyone 50+ who wishes to be a lifelong learner.
OLLI has been a big part of my life for the past 7 years. I first started attending classes that stimulated my curiosity and expanded my views on subjects new to me. Facilitating classes is also great fun, which led to volunteering with this fine organization. A great way to broaden my retirement.

Weekly or Daily Newsletters
- This Week at OLLI e-mail newsletter archive (January 21, 2019 to present)
Annual Newsletters
- April 2019 (pdf)
- December 2018 (pdf)
- April 2018 (pdf)
- December 2017 (pdf)
- April 2017 (pdf)
- April 2016 (pdf)
If you would like more information about Michigan Medicine resources, please reach out to OLLI Director Angela Bingham at 734-998-9356 or [email protected]. She will be happy to connect you.
These additional websites may be of particular interest to OLLI members:
- OLLI at Michigan's page on Facebook
- Osher Foundation
- Turner Geriatric Clinic, University of Michigan Geriatrics Center
- Turner Senior Resource Center, University of Michigan Geriatrics Center
- Community Programs, University of Michigan Geriatrics Center
- Jewish Family Services of Washtenaw County
- Margaret Waterman Alumnae Group
- Road Scholar website
- University Musical Society's Educational Events
- University of Michigan Saturday Morning Physics
- University of Michigan Events Calendar
- University of Michigan Alumni Association
- University of Michigan Retirees Association
- UM Ford School of Public Policy's Events Page
- Washtenaw Community College Enrichment Classes
- OLLI at Michigan is mentioned in this May 2020 Forbes article, "Older Adults Learning Online Too, As OLLI And One Day University Move To Zoom".
- "EMU professor gives talk on primary selection system", Michigan Daily, January 29, 2020.
- "1619 Project creator to speak at University of Michigan", MLive, January 8, 2020.
- Learn more about OLLI and the Osher Foundation in this January 1, 2016 New York Times article, "Older Students Learn for the Sake of Learning".
- The Wall Street Journal reports that Ann Arbor, MI, is a "magnet for the 50-plus crowd," thanks in part to OLLI at the University of Michigan. See "A Town Packed With Classrooms" in the December 6, 2012 issue of the WSJ.
Membership Application Form
Want to become an OLLI member for the first time or update information associated with your OLLI account? Download our Membership Application form, fill it out, and send it with payment to: OLLI at U of M, 2401 Plymouth Rd., Suite C, Ann Arbor, MI 48105.
Event Registration Form
Want to register for an OLLI lecture, study group, or other event? Download our registration form, fill it out, and send it with payment to: OLLI at U of M, 2401 Plymouth Rd., Suite C, Ann Arbor, MI 48105.
- Registration for OLLI Events (Lectures, Study Groups, etc.) (pdf)
Emergency Medical Form
Going on an OLLI trip? Please print out and complete the emergency medical form to keep with you on the trip.
Study Group Evaluation Form
If you did not fill out an evaluation form on the last day of your study group meeting, please download the form here for completion. Please mail it to our office: OLLI at U of M, 2401 Plymouth Rd., Suite C, Ann Arbor, MI 48105.
Study Group Proposal Form
Do you have a talent, skill, or burning desire to share a favorite topic with like-minded individuals? You don’t need to be an expert to lead an OLLI study group – you need only have the interest in a topic and the self-confidence to offer leadership for a learning experience. Please complete and submit the online proposal form below.
- Study Group Proposal Form (online form: easiest method)
- Study Group Proposal Form (doc)
Study Group Instructor/Facilitator Handbook
- Prospective Instructor/Facilitator Handbook
Shared Interest Groups (SIGs)
Do you want to organize and facilitate a new SIG that will begin in the fall 2020? If so, OLLI is ready to receive and evaluate proposals!
A Shared Interest Group (SIG) at OLLI-UMICH brings together members who have a common interest that they wish to pursue indefinitely within a structure of meetings and activities designed primarily by the members of the group. A SIG typically strives to develop a sense of community and friendship among its members even as it endeavors to enhance members’ skills, education and experiences. A SIG is a participatory group in which all members are included in selecting topics to explore and researching information to bring back to the group.
Applications for a new SIG to begin in Winter 2022 must be received by the OLLI office by October 1, 2021 in order to be reviewed and approved in time to be included in the Winter/Spring catalog. Applications and other relevant documents are available below.
Interested in leading an OLLI study group this Winter? Please complete the form and submit it to the OLLI office at 2401 Plymouth Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48105 or email it to [email protected].