A Cancer Researcher Finds Beauty in Real Life

When he isn't working on cancer cures at U-M, one clinician takes intricate portraits of his surroundings.

Photography has been a hobby of two decades for Mukesh Nyati, Ph.D., an associate professor of radiation oncology at the University of Michigan Health System.

The artful pursuit, Nyati said in a recent interview, often reveals that even everyday subjects are "so much more than I can imagine."

Below is a sampling of his work: 

Spring in Michigan brings beautiful blooms of color.
Antelope Canyon in Phoenix, Arizona.
An amazing close-up photograph of ants working together. These are details we wouldn't notice with the naked eye, but the camera captures them.
The robin is Michigan's state bird. They can be frequently found feasting on berries in the trees.
The result of early snow in Michigan, with the bright fall leaves dusted in white.
This photo was taken on the fall equinox, when both day and night are nearly the same length.
Summertime fireworks at the Dexter-Plymouth Park last July.
Fall is my favorite season in Michigan and on this day, a Sunday morning, I was amazed to see the symmetry of tree lines and the light piercing through the fog.
The Health System's Cardiovascular Center at peaceful daybreak in Ann Arbor, Michigan, before the busyness of the day.
A reflection of fall and Halloween in Michigan.
The details of one cancer tumor cell under the microscope.