
Eight faculty and staff received awards from the U-M Office of Graduate Medical Education. Jakob McSparron, M.D., associate professor of internal medicine, and Jean Wong (M.D. 2004, Residency 2007), assistant professor of family medicine, both received a Program Director Excellence Award from the U-M Office of Graduate Medical Education. Laura Gwyn, a program administrator in the neurology department, and Raven Kellum, M.A., C-TAGME, a program administrator in the emergency medicine department, received the Program Administrator Excellence Award from the U-M Office of Graduate Medical Education. Phil Hebert, administrative assistant senior, received the GME Staff Award. Sarah Hartley, M.D., associate professor of internal medicine, received the Mentor of the Year Award. Matt Wixson (M.D. 2012, Residency 2016, Fellowship 2017), associate professor of anesthesiology, received the Faculty Equity and Inclusion Award. Shitanshu Uppal, MBBS, associate professor of obstetrics and gynecology, received the Faculty Innovation Award.

Gregory Eschenauer, PharmD (Pharmacy Residency 2005), associate professor of pharmacy, has been appointed to represent the Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists on the National Institutes of Health COVID-19 Treatment Guideline Panel. 

Gary Freed, M.D., MPH, the Percy and Mary Murphy Professor of Pediatrics and chair of the department, as well as professor of health management and policy, received a Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program award to the Netherlands. He will be working on a project to assess the impact of the changing demography of the Netherlands on the delivery of health care to children. 

Maya Hammoud (M.D. 1996, Residency 2000), MBA, professor of obstetrics and gynecology and of medical education, was elected as an at-large member of the National Board of Medical Examiners' Board of Directors.

Johann E. Gudjonsson, M.D. (Residency 2006), Ph.D., Arthur C. Curtis Professor of Skin Molecular Immunology and associate professor of dermatology, received a 2021 Research Achievement Award from the American Skin Association for work in psoriasis.

Katie Scott, BSN, RN, was chosen by Congresswoman Debbie Dingell to be her guest of honor at President Biden's address to the Joint Session on April 28, 2021.